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Renters Rights Bill promised by government in blizzard of new laws

Wednesday 17th July 2024
Graham Norwood

A new Renters' Rights Bill is to be introduced into Parliament, it's been confirmed today. The announcement was made in the King's Speech: it was only a brief reference, with the King saying…

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Rents rising in most areas as high interest rates hit long-term supply

Monday 15th July 2024
Graham Norwood

Asking rents continue to show posi­tive, albeit lower, growth in most regions according to the property website Home. The site conducts a monthly lettings market snapshot and says that although year-on year asking rent falls are evident in…

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Households will have to invest in Green technology - Carney

Friday 12th July 2024
Graham Norwood

Former Bank of England governor Mark Carney is warning that homeowners, including those serving the private rental sector, will have to put money into new greener technology to help the UK meet climate targets. Examples of household green technology given by…

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Matthew Pennycook appointed as Labour housing minister

Thursday 11th July 2024
Nigel Lewis

Landlords may be relieved to hear that an MP with experience of the private rented sector has been appointed to the Government. Matthew Pennycook has been confirmed as Labour's key housing minister a day after Angela Rayner was appointed as its…

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Tenants reveal biggest ‘deal breakers’ when looking for rental property

Thursday 11th July 2024
Graham Norwood

Data sourced from millions of Barclays current accounts reveals spending on rent and mortgages rose just 1.5% year-on-year in June - much slower than May's uplift of 6.3%. The 1.5% figure is the slowest rate of growth since March…

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Labour drops ‘levelling up’ from housing department title

Wednesday 10th July 2024
Nigel Lewis

Labour deputy leader Angela Rayner has told staff at the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities that it is to drop…

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New Housing Secretary named by Sir Kier Starmer

Monday 8th July 2024
Graham Norwood

Angela Rayner has been appointed Levelling Up Secretary with responsibility for housing - a role she has in addition to being Deputy Prime Minister. There is no news yet on who the housing minister will be…

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Industry welcomes Labour victory but ‘concern’ over policies

Friday 5th July 2024
Nigel Lewis

With a majority expected to be at 176 as the final results come in, Labour will have a free hand to remould the housing…

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Labour’s Housing Policies - next five years start today

Friday 5th July 2024
Graham Norwood

The biggest rental sector headline from Labour's manifesto may well be its pledge for the "immediate" abolition of Section 21 eviction powers, but the party's housing plans are far more extensive In a section of its…

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Labour will regulate lettings because it's a cheap option - claim

Wednesday 3rd July 2024
Graham Norwood

Labour is likely to make rental sector reform and regulation a priority - at least partly because it will be low-cost and relatively quick…

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