Eloise joins the team with a wealth of experience in Customer Relations. Tasked with a role to build strong relationships with our clients, based on the ability to be reactive, problem solve and give best advice. Eloise is delivering a service on behalf of Affinity that's second to…
Eloise Bywater,Property Manager
Lloris can often be found on full alert by the office front door 'vetting' our clients... or possibly snoozing, but rest assured he is a good judge of character.
_*Don't be alarmed; if you don't like dogs he has his own office to retire to whilst you are visiting with us*_
Lloris the French Bulldog,Office Pet & Head of Security
Stephanie has found her perfect role here at Affinity whereby she gets to combine both her years of property management experience alongside her nurturing skills and regularly visits our managed properties to promote good household upkeep and check that all is well. Often seen as the agony aunt ,…
Stephanie Campbell,Property Care & Inventory Co-Ordinator
Aaron joins the team with 25+ years experience in facilities site/building management. Having previously covered the whole of the UK there is little Aaron hasn't seen when it comes to the needs of maintaining buildings and estates both large and small. Out and about on site for the…
Aaron Limbert,Facilities Management Surveyor
We look to be inclusive to all of our tenants and landlords and good communication is at the heart of this.
We are fortunate to have a qualified BSL Interpreter, who can provide fluent communication for the deaf community.
We understand that for 90,000 deaf people, BSL is the first…
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