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Cleaning expert 'swears by' washing up liquid method to stop condensation

Cleaning expert 'swears by' washing up liquid method to stop condensation

Friday 9th December 2022

As a property management agent, we take many calls from tenants complaining of condensation in their homes and wanting to know how to best manage it.

The tip involves applying a 'tiny drop' of washing up liquid to windows - and while some were sceptical of the hack, others confirmed it had made a huge difference

Condensation can prove a huge problem for many households in the colder months - but if you're finding it to be a particular issue this winter, one cleaning pro has shared an unconventional method to try.

Taking to TikTok to share her family's method for keeping condensation at bay, cleaning expert @lynsey_queenofclean started off by instructing viewers to ensure they wipe moisture build-up off their windows each morning with a microfibre cloth and open windows to let them dry out. She added that using a dehumidifier can be a "game changer" for combatting condensation.

Cleaning pro Lynsey, who has made several appearances on ITV's This Morning to unveil clever cleaning hacks, went on to let TikTok users know of an unusual tip to go the extra mile when it comes to banishing condensation on windows. The method involves applying washing up liquid to the glass - something most people have likely never thought of trying, but a hack that Lynsey revealed her mum, who also worked as a cleaner, "swears by".

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