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12 Tips for Tenant Safety this Christmas

12 Tips for Tenant Safety this Christmas

Sunday 4th December 2022

December is here, and with it comes another holiday season. Candles, fresh-cut Christmas trees, turkey, holiday party punch, decorating the house in lights - we look forward to enjoying all of these things this time of year. But, did you know these are all fire hazards, too?

Just in time for the holidays, the Fire Prevention Services has released a list of 12 fire safety tips.

Fire safety is an important topic at any time of year, but there are a few added precautions you can take to keep your family and loved ones safe this holiday season:

1. Water fresh trees daily - Keep the base of the trunk in water at all times, and place your tree away from any ignition source like fireplaces, heaters or candles.

2. Check all lights before decorating - Discard any sets of lights that are frayed or damaged. Never plug more than 3 strings of lights together, and don't connect LED to conventional lights.

3. Make sure smoke alarms work and replace any over 10 years old - It's the law to have working smoke alarms on every storey of your home. Test alarms monthly and replace batteries once per year.

4. Install a carbon monoxide (CO) alarm - If your home has a fuel burner or gas fireplace or a gas boiler, you must have a working CO alarm. Contact us if you do not believe you have one in place.

5. Develop and practice a home fire escape plan - make sure everyone in your family knows it, including guests who are staying over the holidays.

6. Use extension cords safely - Avoid overloading plugs and extension cords, as this can cause overheating and fire. Never put cords under rugs.

7. Give space heaters space - Keep them at least 1 metre away from things that could catch fire.

8. Avoid using real candles, go flameless instead - If you use real candles, keep them out of reach of children and pets, and remember to blow them out before leaving the room.

9. Keep matches and lighters out of children's reach - If you smoke, have only one lighter or book of matches and keep it with you at all times.

10. Watch what you heat - Always stay in the kitchen and pay attention to your cooking, especially if using oil or high temperatures. If a pot catches fire, carefully slide a tight fitting lid over the pot to smother the flames, then turn off the heat.

11. Smoking inside is never permitted - Careless smoking is the leading cause of fatal fires. Smoke outside only and use large, deep ashtrays that can't be knocked over, and make sure cigarette butts are properly extinguished.

12. If under the influence of alcohol, avoid cooking or smoking - Alcohol is often a common factor in many fatal fires.

Stay safe this Christmas

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